8/29/10: Training Update

Boy it's been a while since I've posted! I've been working a ton and traveling a lot, which unfortunately has cut into both running and blogging.

For the last month, training has been decent but not stellar. My mileage has been a bit lower than usual in the 60-70 range. I've done some pretty good speedwork on the treadmill while traveling for work, but the long runs and trail mileage haven't exactly been tip top.

I'm starting to build back up though and get myself ready for what I hope will be a good performance at the Mountain Masochist 50 miler in early November. I have plenty of time left but just need to start upping the mileage and hitting the long trails runs on the weekend.

Last week I managed 75 miles and had a pretty sold 25 mile trail run out on the Seneca Greenway. I felt pretty solid throughout and enjoyed getting back to the Seneca Greenway fro the first time since March. I also got a few pictures while out there:

(There a several nice looking fields towards the beginning of the Seneca Greenway)
(Creek I passed around mile 8)
Today I started off the week with a 30 mile run on some of the tougher trails around Washington DC, notably the Potomac Heritage trail. This run kicked my ass, but sometimes you need those kinds of runs. I also got a few pictures on the run. It was a bit hot and humid, but all in all was a beautiful day with some great views on the local trails.

(Near where I picked up the Potomac Heritage trail, which was around mile 4 of the trail. I took hilly roads through North Arlington and a few other smaller trails to get there. The creek is on the right with the trail on the left)

(Most of the waterfalls were running pretty low, but this one for some reason was flowing more than usual)

(Looking out on the Potomac River from the trail. About half of the trail runs right along the river)

(You can tell the Potomac is pretty dry from this view)

(Dumbarton Oaks, which is right behind Georgetown and little known treasure)

(More Dumbarton Oaks)
