9/6/10: Labor Day weekend training

It has been an amazing Labor Day weekend here in the DC. For all 3 days, high temperatures have been in the low 80s with no humidity at all. In other words, a perfect weekend for tons of running!
On Saturday, I met up with Greg at Elizabeth Furnace for some mountain running. We did a roughly 23 mile out and back on the Tuscarora Trail, and it was a great day out in the mountains. Up on ridges, there was a great cool breeze, and the views were spectacular with the chrystal clear sky.
Unfortunately most of my pictures didn't turn out except for the one below, which was the view across the Shenandoah Valley towards where the Tuscarora Trail hits the Appalachian Trail. I've run a lot of the Tuscarora Trail, but this section was new, and views were great as you dropped off the mountain towards the valley.

On Sunday I did another 26 on trails around DC. I felt surprising good for the day after a long run in the mountains and ran much faster than expected. Then today I did another 17 or so with the last 2 miles on the treadmill at 10% grade.

That brought the total for the 3 days to over 65 miles, which is some of the best training I've done in a long time. My legs are pretty shot, but it felt great to get out there and run hard this weekend.

I'm looking forward to some more weekends of hard running on beautiful trails leading up to Mt Masochist. If this weather keeps up, it'll be a fun fall!
