2/15/11: 100 Mile Week

It has been a while since I hit a 100 mile training week. My training logs seems to think the last time was last May when I threw in a heavy training week before the Laurel Highlands 77 that I DNFed.

This last week looked as follows:
  • Saturday: 40 mile trail run
  • Sunday: 21 miles
  • Monday: Off (traveling for work)
  • Tuesday: 4 (quick run early in the morning while traveling)
  • Wednesday: 14 with 4x800 @ 2:45
  • Thursday: 12
  • Friday: 9

I ran the 40 miler pretty hard and ran the 21 fairly hard as well, so I didn't really mind taking it easier while traveling for work. My legs were still pretty shot on Wednesday, and the 800s definitely felt much harder than they usually would.

It was still a very solid week of training, and my legs held up well. This week I'm dialing it back a bit (targeting 70-75 miles), and then I'm planning to go nuts next week! Hopefully I'll get a 50 miler in on Saturday and be somewhere around 110 miles for the week. Then the taper will start for the NJ 100!


Andy said…
Will - where do you do your trail running?
Will said…
Andy, I live in Arlington, VA and do a lot of running on trails in the DC area. The trails I hit regularly include Rock Creek Park, Glover Archbald, and Potomac Heritage.

I occasionally run at Bull Run or Seneca Greenway, both of which are 30-40 minutes from the DC area.

I also try to get to the mountains somewhat regularly, particularly when training for a mountain race. I usually go to the Massanuttens or Shenandoahs.

What about you?
Andy said…
I'm in the area too - Centreville specifically. I'm a mile from the Rte 28 Bull Run trailhead so BR is by far my most traveled trail. Hit Manassas battlefield a little and occasionally Fairfax Cross-County trail. I'm running Seneca next weekend too - will have to see if we can figure out one another amongst the crowd. If it helps identify me I'm leaning toward wearing the insanely red Cascadia 6s that I just ran with for the first time today. They seem to be a solid mud shoe.
Will said…
Hopefully I'll catch you at Seneca Greenway. If it's warmer, I'll be wearing my usual backwards hat and sunglasses. I wear Cascadias too but will still be sporting the 5s.

We should meet up for a run at Bull Run sometime, too!