7/3/11: Headlands Hundred!

Yup, it's official. I've signed up for the Headlands Hundred in San Francisco.

In my fury after being sick for the North Face 50, I immediately looked at race calendars to find another ultra. There aren't as many ultras in the summer (at least ones that aren't already full), so I was pretty sure that the Headlands Hundred would be the winner. The flight is now booked, and race registration is complete.

It's a very hilly course with 20,000 feet of climbing, which is the same as the Tahoe 100. That is certainly some no joke elevation. However, without it being at altitude (like Tahoe) and with likely good weather (it's pretty much always nice in San Francisco), I think it could be a good course for me.

As you may be able to tell from my heavy mileage, I've been training as if I was doing this race since the North Face 50. My last three weeks have been 85, 95, and 103 miles. I'll hopefully be above 100 miles for the next two weeks as well.

I'm really fired up about this race. I'm also very excited to see Brome, and the big man himself is going to be doing some pacing duties! Can't get much better than running in the beautiful Headlands with Brome.

I did a 25 mile extremely hot run around DC today, and tomorrow I'm heading to the Shenandoahs for another long run with VHTRC. So far everything is coming together. In the words of Mickey from Rocky I, I'm going to become a very dangerous person.
