The main story of the last two weeks of training is that I ran better than expected at the Potomac Heritage 50K and then was not surprisingly pretty beat up afterwards.
Week ending 11/18
- Saturday: 10 miles. Took it easy the day before the race.
- Sunday: 31 miles. Potomac Hertage 50K in 4:58
- Monday: Off
- Tuesday: 5.5 miles easy
- Wednesday: 12.5 miles. 4x1000 @ 3:23. My legs were still very tired from the race, so this was a tough workout. I was happy with how it turned out given how beat up I felt.
- Thurdsay: 9 miles easy
- Friday: 7 miles easy
- Total: 75 miles
Week ending 11/25
- Saturday: Off
- Sunday: 27 miles. Philly Marathon in 3:44 with Dad.
- Monday: Off
- Tuesday: Off. Wanted to run and do a short speed workout to stay sharp before the turkey trot on Thursday, but I was traveling for work and got very delayed coming back.
- Wednesday: 6 miles easy w/ one 800 in 2:30 in a futile last minute effort to get some leg turnover going before the turkey trot.
- Thursday: 8 miles. Long Grove Turkey Trot in 18:03. Felt pretty good, but my legs still weren't 100%. The main issue though is that I didn't have enough speed and couldn't get comfortable running under 5:45 pace. I ended up running pretty even splits right around the 5:49 pace I averaged. I should have been at least 10-15 seconds faster in at least the first mile.
- Friday: 9 miles. My legs felt all sorts of tweaked. My left hamstring and calf, which had bothered me towards the end of the race, were really flaring up.
- Total: 50 miles