1/23/12: Training Update

I kicked off this week in style with a very good run on Saturday with the DC Road Runners. I forgot how awesome it is to train with them. I was tired from a long week and traveling on Friday but managed to drag myself out there.

The route was 14 miles, and I was planning to run 17 in total with a warmup and cooldown. I was aiming for somewhere in the 7:15 to 7:30 pace range. I ran with a guy who is a 2:45 marathoner and ended up going both faster and further. Hooray!

The guy I was running with added an extra loop around Hanes Point, which made it 19.25 miles. I averaged 6:57 pace and ran 24 miles total with the warmup and cool down. I ran easy for the first three miles or so, but I felt pretty good and started stretching out the legs. I immediately dropped the pace below 7:00 and held it there.

I was super comfortable running in the 6:50 – 6:55 range and could have run a lot longer at that pace. I pushed it hard in the last few miles and must have been well into the low 6 minute range. My legs were hardly even sore the next day, and I ran another 17 miles on hilly trails at around 7:45 pace.

This was a huge confidence booster for me and is the first time that I have been able to wrap my mind around running a sub 2:50 marathon. My legs did feel tired throughout the rest of the week, but I still notched up some good overall mileage.

  • Saturday: 24 miles with 19.25 @ 6:57

  • Sunday: 17 miles @ 7:45 on hilly trails

  • Monday: easy 15 miles and lifting

  • Tuesday: Off

  • Wednesday: 7 miles easy

  • Thursday: 13 miles with 2 x 1 mile @ 5:49 (legs were tired, so I cut the workout short)

  • Friday: 9 miles easy

  • Total: 85 miles
