The Bull Run 50 is put on by the VHTRC and is only about 35
minutes away from our house. I have
wanted to run this race forever, but somehow it never seemed to work with my
schedule. This year I got in off the
waitlist and was excited to finally run it!
Much of the Bull Run trail is lined with bluebells, and the
race is scheduled for what is typically peak bloom. Thanks to our cold winter the bluebells were
not in full bloom, but there were still a good number out there. The weather was in the 50s or 60s the whole
time with a light breeze, and it was a great day to be out in the woods.
Miles 0 – 16.6: The Good
I caught up with a few friends at the start, and we were off
in the early dawn at 6:30am. After a
short lap around the parking lot area to spread us out were headed down to the
Bull Run trail for the first out back section.
I felt great and rolled along in 8:30s. The legs felt good and the weather was
awesome. What more could you ask
for? I slowly moved up positions and was
trying not to get too crazy too early. I
ran a bunch of miles with a guy who also ran Grindstone last year in a similar
time, and it was nice to have some company for a while. I hauled up the steep climb back to the start
/ finish area and quickly moved through the Mile 16.6 aid station in 2:25
elapsed. So far so good!
Miles 16.6 – 28.1: The Not So Good
The rest of the race was basically the exact same course as
the MGM 50K I have done about 5 times with the addition of the white loop to
add a couple of miles. The good news was
that I was in familiar territory. The
bad news was that my legs were not exactly fresh at the start of this 50K
section. In fact I started to realize
that my legs were REALLY not fresh.
The 12.5 miles to the Fountain Aid Station at mile 28 were a
slow deterioration. Even the people
dressed in superhero costumes at mile 26 couldn’t cheer me up! At Fountainhead I was super excited to see
Jen and Liam for the first time. It was
great to have Jen back out at a race and awesome to have Liam come out and
cheer for me as well. He ran underneath
the tape into the runner area and started clapping and yelling “yay!” Such cuteness should not be allowed.
I was a bit of a mess at this point. My legs were garbage and the stomach was
off. The only things that looked remotely
edible were some oranges so I grabbed a few of those, gave Liam a hug, and
headed out on the white loop.
Miles 28.1 - 35: The Ugly
Well the oranges came back up, and I felt like death. My legs had nothing and I was super nauseous. I very badly wanted to continue running a
good pace and finish under 8 hours, ideally breaking my 7:51 PR for 50
miles. But I made the tough call to flip
the switch, slow down, and take the time to get myself in good enough shape to
finish. It was a difficult decision but
in retrospect was 100% correct, and if anything I should have done it sooner.
I started to walk everything except slowly jogging some of
the downhills. The plan was to go slow
until the next aid station and then stop there for as long as it took to nurse
myself back to health. Well it took me
an hour to cover the next 4 miles, and I slumped down in a chair to put the
pieces together.
People were giving me the pep talk to keep me from dropping,
but the thought never crossed my mind and I assured them I would get it
done. It was a welcome contrast to some
of my past DNF experiences. I stayed
there for 7 minutes eating watermelon and drinking ginger ale. They asked if I wanted a popsicle, which was
the best idea I have heard in my entire life.
I felt a good bit better and knew I would be back again in 3 miles, so I
headed off for the infamous Do Loop.
I was on the upswing but still was struggling. I walked a good portion of the first half of
the loop but gradually started to pick up the pace. I popped an S-Cap and was feeling better by
the minute. I had expected the Do Loop
to take me 45 minute in my current state but was pleased to be back in less
than 35.
Miles 35 – 50.4: The Comeback!
I had another popsicle, more ginger ale, and more fruit. I
got through the aid station much faster this time and was excited to get back
to see Jen and Liam. They probably
thought I was a goner by now given my meltdown!
I was able to continually pick up the pace and was amazed at
how much my race had turned around. I
was moving at a really good pace again and feeling really strong. I flew through the last section in sub 9 and
charged into the aid station. Coming in
hot! I was looking around for the family
and saw a tiny human down by my feet.
Hello, Liam! He had crossed under
the tape again, but I guess if you are cute enough no one stops you.
I told Jen the last stretch was brutal but that I was back
and ready to finish strong. I told her I
was on the hunt and going to pick up some of the places I had lost. I picked up Liam for another hug, refueled,
and was out of there at 6:19 elapsed.
The back 12.5 went as well as could be expected. I ran strong for the first 5 or 6 miles but
started to fade, which is to be expected.
My only big mistake on this section was that I ran out of S-Caps and
forgot to grab one at the marina aid station 5.5 miles from the finish. I was cramping and struggling at the end and
think I might have made a bit better time had I remembered the S-cap.
But there was no major harm done, and I managed to average
about 10 minute miles over the last 12.5 to finish in 8:27 and 28th
place (280 finishers out of 325 starters).
It wasn’t the sub 8 I had been hoping for, but I was really happy to
minimize the damage after the very rough stretch from 25 to 35. I seem to finally have enough brain cells to
make smarter decisions in these races.
It is tough to have everything go right in a race this long and awesome
to be able to still finish well when things go south.
It was really nice having Jen and Liam there to welcome me
across the finish line, and we had a great time hanging out afterwards. Bull Run is an incredible event, and I really
hope to go back again soon!
Early on in the race crossing a stream
Feeling good!
Cruising under one of the bridges
Working uphill
Hanging with the little man at mile 38. Felt great at this point after coming back from the dead.
Super happy to be finishing!
Had a great time hanging out with the family at the finish