5/31/10: Indestructable

This was a rare weekend of no running for me. Jen and I went back for our 5th reunion at Princeton, so I took a few days off, which I really needed anyway. Reunions was great as always. A lot of good friends, a lot of beer, a lot of dancing, and a lot of fun.

After a long weekend of hard partying, I decided to recover by waking up at 4:45am on Memorial Day for one last big training run before Laurel Highlands. I hit 42 miles in a faster than expected 6 hours and 45 minutes. The first half was singletrack trail, and the second half was mostly paved trail with some more single track

I felt really fantastic for the whole run and finished with a lot left in the tank. It was really hot and humid, but that didn't seem to bother me much. My stomach was also better than it has ever been on a really long run. I ate and drank a ton and felt 100% the whole way. On days like this you just feel indestructable. Everything goes right, and it feels like you can run forever.

Hopefully I'll feel the same way in 2 weeks. In the meantime, I need to do some SERIOUS tapering. I followed up 105 miles last week with this run, so I have a lot of recovering to do. I had to cram a lot of training in pretty quickly, but almost 2 weeks should still be enough time.

Bring it on Laurel Highlands. Bring it on.
