11/1/13: Marine Corp Marathon Race Report

So I guess BTR has kind of died, huh?  You might be thinking that having a son recently has meant there has not been time for running.  Apparently there is still time to run, but both running and blogging is out of the question.

After a brief hiatus, I started training again in a sleep deprived stupor.  But thanks to my wife being so amazing, I soon found a rhythm again and was back to doing some pretty decent running.  The biggest casualty has been our dog.  Our little dachshund is very lazy, and Jen was getting up with her later in the morning.  Now I drag her out in the darkness before I go for a run, and she is rather displeased. 

My mileage hasn’t been what it was before, but it is back up to 50-60 per week.  The upshot is that my speedwork has actually been pretty decent.  When the day’s schedule gives you about 40 minutes to run, you cover ground as fast as you can!  

Three and a half weeks ago I ran the Navy Federal 5K.  You might say: “Why run only 5K?”  Well fear not intrepid reader.  I ran there and back, and since it was a cool 8+ miles each way, I put in over 20 miles that morning.  My time was nothing to write home about (18:36), but I took third on a really hot day with many miles on the legs.

Two and a half weeks ago I ran one of the Backyard Burn Series 10 Mile runs.  They host a bunch of races every spring and fall on trails that are right in DC’s backyard (get it?).  It poured rain in the days leading up to the race, so it was a sloppy mess.  I ended up having a fantastic time at the race and again took third.  This is the first trail race I have done that is less than a marathon, and I think I need to do more of these.  The only downside was a rough fall at 4 miles, and next time I will seriously consider wearing spikes. 

Last weekend I had the great pleasure of Danny and Dylan coming to town.  Dylan and I ran the Marine Corp Marathon, which was so much fun it probably wasn’t legal.  With the Richmond Marathon coming up in 2.5 weeks, this was a last opportunity to cram in some training.  I upped my 60ish miles a week to 75 right before MCM with 22 miles the prior weekend and 7 miles the day before.

Running with Dylan is insanely fun, and we rocked out to Robin Thicke (“Everybody get up …”) and in general just crushed it.  I felt way better than expected and ran 3:03.  Once again starting out more conservatively was the key to success.  I am optimistic for Richmond and hoping to at least go sub 3.  I will keep you all posted on how it goes.  Dylan is going to write a guest blog post on this year's MCM, so look out for that soon.  He is way funnier than I am.

I have also booked flights out to the Alps with Jen and Liam in late August next year.  I am very much hoping to be able to run the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc 100K, and I will keep you all posted on whether I get through the lottery.
